Friday, November 03, 2006

How Many?
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

However there is just one person called Nelly Moser - one person and several million clematis.

I was surprised to find that there were only 396 people with my maiden name in the whole of the USA for there must be 1000s of us in Ireland. When I was a young girl that would read anything I was always coming across my namesakes in old & crumbly novels set in Ireland.

We were never the heroine though. We were usually the drunken old cook or some poor old shawlie who lived in a one-room hovel with ten half-naked children and a pig. We were always saying alack & begorrah and throwing our aprons over our heads and wailing. Or we might be found sleeping (it off) in a ditch*.

HowManyOfMe copied shamelessly from Awesome Ed the Unique

* 'The Tinker's Wedding' by J. M. Synge


  1. Anonymous9:59 pm

    8 of me!

  2. Anonymous5:55 pm

    Hmm I think your maiden name might be the same as mine and there are 29997 of them in the US.

    34 people have the same name as me.

  3. There's only 1 of me but there were a hell of a lot of James Davies'

  4. 15 of Me - But I was most interested in the statistic that 99.9% of people with the first name Yvonne are female? what about the .1%????
