Thursday, November 23, 2006

Icons of Cool

Recently the Swearing Lady said she was experiencing a crisis of cool. So when I accidentally stumbled upon the NME Cool List 2006 I couldn’t resist giving myself a little test. Out of 50 icons of cool, as decided by NME readers, I found that I only recognised 14 names. And one of those was Keith Richard. Even then there was a few of those whose faces I couldn’t bring to mind. For instance if I were to come home some day and there was Bobby Gillespie sitting on the sofa I wouldn’t know him from Adam. But if we were introduced I’d be able to say, “Oh yes. I know you. You shifted Kate Moss and you’re in some band aren’t you? Name escapes me right now.”

And if I were to come home and there was Liam Gallagher sitting there chatting away to Bert I’d know who he was alright. Only thing is I’d probably get mixed up and call him Noel and then he’d throw a strop and break something.

Then if I were to return home and found Devendra Banhart was sitting cross legged on the coffee table, reeking of patchouli, I’d have to call Bert out into the kitchen and ask, “What’s with Mr Hairy Hippie then?” and he’d go, “That’s Devendra Banhart,” and I’d go “Oh yeah! We saw him on Jools didn’t we?”


  1. I've heard of eight of them, but the only one I might recognise is that boyo Doherty.
    Is Sam Duckworth another son of Vera's?

  2. Sam Duckworth? He wasn't one I knew.

  3. I've heard of 9 by name, loads more by band and probably none if i bumped into them, even at their own gigs, i am notoriously bad at recognising famous people, i reckon Ozzy Osboune, Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) Ginger (wildhearts) and Elvis are about the only stars i'd recognise if i walked into them.

  4. I think I'd recognise 12 of 'em, and know of another dozen or so groups. But still, times like these are what you need Mr Bolan for; what with the regular applications to NME, I daresay he'd get the lot of 'em.

    Oh, and I'd only recognise yon Winehouse woman because she was on Buzzcocks last week, absolutely ripped to the tits. Great television.

  5. I knew more than I care to admit to, but it's one of the hazards of my job.

    I hope you recognized Richard Hawley, Nelly. If you don't know him, you're really missing out on a treat. He's the dogs.

  6. Yer man from My Chemical Romance? MY CHEMICAL FUCKING ROMANCE? Even I know he's about as cool as a pair of sunburned slacks. And Panic! At The Disco? What age are the cretins who came up with this list, 13? Lily Allen? Mother of God, she wasn't even cool when she was supposedly cool. This has made me cross. Rarr.

  7. Oh, but at least Eugene Hutz is there. I want his mental babies.

  8. I agree with Swearing Lady. Gogol Bordello are also the dogs.

    Nelly, here's Richard hawley in barcelona earlier in the year. I'm right down the front with the bald head and the big-nosed brother.

  9. What a load of dingo's kidneys. Every body knows that Richard Hawley is the coolest fecker this side of the milky way. Anyone who dresses like a rockabilly offstage then wears a suit onstage gets my vote. Ok, he did dress like a rockabilly whilst playing guitar for Jarvis Cocker on Jools recently. He was in his civvies, I suppose. Gogol Bordello " Not A Crime".

  10. I've heard it said thon Panic at the Disco crowd are awfully cool right now.
    They really get up my nose.

  11. Anonymous6:00 pm

    I have only heard of 11 of them despite best efforts of the GYS and Soda Farl to educate me (both believe they are most knowledgeable people in world on cool music).

    Hello John - I have been trying to leave a comment for you advising on buying a goat for secret santa but your site comment thingie doesn't like me.

  12. Anonymous7:04 pm

    Wannabe scenesters the lot of you.

    I like my acts like my coffee, hot until I reach the kerb.

    I don't wish to discuss how many of those names I recognised. Though the Gossips are rather groovy in a Gang of Four meets early House of Love via Soft Cell Donna Summer sorta way.

    Just wait. Year after next, *I* will be on that list.

    Fashion comes and goes, but style is eternal.

  13. Thanks for all the inspiring, informative,amusing and ,dammit!, COOL comments.

  14. Nelly--

    You should also check out Eugene Hutz's great performance in the wonderful Everything is Illuminated.
