Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Last Picture

harry, originally uploaded by NellyMoser.

Harry de Cat was hit by a car on the Dreen Road sometime last night.

Under the butterfly bush.


  1. I second the :(. Poor Harry.

  2. He was a great cat. Thought he was a dog. And the only cat that Bert ever really liked.

    We are both so sad.

  3. Anonymous12:43 pm

    Farewell Harry de Cat. You shall be missed.

    Will you show us a picture of his last resting place, Nelly?

  4. Tom? Scary Tam? Who gave us Harry?

    See above. The tiles are to keep the foxes from digging him up.

  5. Anonymous1:17 pm


  6. I'm so sorry to hear harry de cat is gone. I loved hearing his adventures.

  7. Poor Harry. Poor Nellybert.

  8. Y'know I should be preparing a assignment this morning; instead I'm digging out all my old photos of Harry and feeling gutted that none of the AVIs, that I took of him when he was a kitten, have survived. They were good too - showed him fighting viciously with the dogs.

    Still - the songbirds will be glad to see the back end of him.

  9. Anonymous2:42 pm

    I'm so sorry. Hugs to Nellybert. :(

  10. Awww,

    Harry sounded like a proper cat, a lovable sod, rough diamond etc.

    I wish cats wouldn't go near roads, they only get away with it for so long.


  11. A good & accurate description of him Mark.

    As for roads - I wish we didn't live so close to one. Our last house was on this road too but the lane was four times as long. Even as I sit here I can hear the traffic whizzing by - going far too fast for a country road.

  12. Anonymous6:19 pm

    dear Nelly and Bert, so sorry about Harry - I can pay my respects at the weekend xxxxxxx London sister

  13. Anonymous6:33 pm

    I heard the sad news this morning..When Tam was chatting to auld uncle Bert..What can I say..Harry was the last of our surviving babies..Gutted...you know his dad smokey went the same way..killed on the road..SPOOKY or what??But you gave him a fantastic life..Hugs and kisses X Shauna and Scarey Tam

  14. Anonymous7:22 pm

    Sorry for your trouble.

  15. Anonymous7:06 pm

    Poor Harry. Sorry to hear that.

  16. Anonymous8:29 pm

    really sorry to hear nellybert, at least he never seemed to have a dull moment, poor harry.

    mikey x

  17. We're waking him tonight. Jamie, Hanah, Bert, myself, apple tart & coffee.

  18. Anonymous2:01 pm

    I am sad to hear the Harry de Cat news. I know pets are only pets but yours all have personalities and thats makes it sadder.

    Mel.x x
