Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wish Me Luck

Agency work can be very varied. Last week I worked in a nursing home, yesterday I worked in a solicitor's office and this week I'm doing two sleepovers in an independent living unit.

Today I'm going for an interview in a quarry! Let's hope I'm rugged enough.


  1. Anonymous12:43 pm

    Hi Nelly, Just Ursa Minor checking in - good luck with quarry interview! Sure you could turn your hand to anything! Wish ME luck for my interview tomorrow for post of manager in a beauty and hair supplies store! Just what you always said I should be doing ... Long story about WHY I'm looking for a new job. Suffice to say, I only thought old boss was an arse, new boss is Total Arse With Capitalisation!

  2. Wheelbarrow Loads of luck UM!

    I'm only after phoning you for about the zillioneth time. I can only conclude I'm not phoning your current number. Give me a ring so that we can talk.

    Quarry job no good as the hours don't fit in with my course.

  3. Anonymous6:31 pm

    good luck moser

    mikey x

  4. what would you do at a quarry?

  5. When I first moved to the LA area (from all-too-rural Kentucky), I was waiting to get a California driver's license and the floor rumbled. My first thought was, "Must be blastin' up to the quarry".

    It was obvious I didn't know from earthquakes.

    and if you see Fred or Wilma say 'Hi'

  7. Anonymous1:26 pm

    All the best to ye Nel :-)

  8. Gone fom the internet for a day there. Don't think I got that dang-blasted (geddit) quarry job.

    Instead I got a job at a training centre! And I start tomorrow.

  9. Hooray! Congratulations, Expert Nelly.
