Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Blogmeet

The Guardian just gave away a big Posy Simmonds illustrated poster of an endangered species, i.e. Guardian Readers. This picture represents that famous Guardian Reader, our own dear Ganching. 'Course it looks nothing like her as she'd not be seen dead in leggings. For they don't make leggings in tweed, do they?

Ganching and Sandra and myself and, possibly, the girleens Zoe and Hannah are planning to get together somewhere on the North Antrim Coast on the 27th December. And you can come too - if you think you're hard enough. Get in touch.

And Mr Bolan - you'll be with us in spirit.


  1. Woo, and indeed, hoo.

  2. Anonymous9:38 am

    Next year, eh?

    I shall think of you from work, as I shall be in work that day. Only a half-day mind (as is every day that week, a long and complicated and convoluted story, but what else would you expect?)

    I expect pictures.

  3. And I expect the men will be too feared to come. But you would come if you were able. You would not be feared.

  4. Feared! I'm not even remotely feared. It will a pleasure to meet you finally.

  5. I shall confess to having the fear, but that is just my normal reaction to guardian readers.

    So, where on the Coast is this Meeting of Awesomeness (plus menfolk) happening?

  6. Yay! I only taunted y'all with fearediness to make you come. Bert will be in attendance if he can drag himself away from the clarinet and the varnish pot. The meet will be in Cushendall or so I'm told. I'll post details when I get them.

  7. I'll be at work on the 27th. I fly back from England at 7 in the morn to make it into work for 11 and they will keep me there 'til 7 in the evening unless I phone them up to say that the plane's been delayed/ I missed the flight/ I forgot my passport/ all of which could happen, it is me after all. Plus, I have work at the crack o' dawn the next day. So unless I can get a magic fairy (Jamie will still be in England) to lift and lay me to the dall of cushen and back, I won't be able to make it.

  8. Bert will pick you up at the airport and I will lift and lay you to the Dall of Cushen. I cannot make it a late night as I too am working 27th and 28th.

    It's good enough of us to work over the Christmas holidays. They'd have a cheek expecting us to be alert and responsive as well.

  9. Anonymous11:04 pm

    Are little non-alcohol drinking teenage brother bloggers that haven't blogged or commented on the nellyblog in ages allowed?

  10. I can't make it a late night either, 'cause Mammy won't let me.

  11. Looking good. Who needs late nights anyway.

    Adam - I'll leave that up to the discretion of your older brother. We certainly don't mind.

  12. Sounds really good but I will be in Dublin on 27th! Thrilled to be asked would nearly cancel Christmas in Dublin for the chance....I said nearly. Have stopped blogging as Hubby & Brother object to some of the content of my blog [too personal - Hubby's objection & I put photos of my brothers children on there which he didn't like]. Left me with a sour taste in my mouth - was I naive or thoughtless?? I will keep commenting if that's okay until I decide what to do re blogsite. Take Care, Nelly.

  13. Ah, so that's what happened. Thought you didn't like us any more. Photos of the young'uns is minefield area; people get awfully sniffy.

  14. EvaMary - you could start another, more anonymous blog. We'd know it was you when we see the links to our blogs! Keep the personal stuff to a minimum and keep family photos on Flickr and only allow people tagged as family (or friends) to see them.

  15. Anonymous6:51 pm

    Alas, I too am working next week installing me new second hand kitchen. I doubt very much if chitty chitty bang bang would have got me up there in time before you lot had scoffed all the buns and gone home.

    Thanks for the invite. Much appreciated. Maybe next time. :)

  16. Anonymous9:11 pm

    Excellent. Will there be cake?

  17. Mr. and Mrs. CyberScribe
    accept with pleasure
    Nelly's Garden
    kind invitation for a
    Christmas Blogmeet
    on Wednesday the twenty seventh of December

  18. This is shaping up to be rather a jolly evening, I forecast.

  19. Beowulf - there will be cake at a blogmeet (yet to be arranged)that will take place during Lent, probably 2007.

    Sandra - I'm dead excited too.

    Mr & Mrs Cyberscribe - goodoh!

  20. goodoh reminds me of something, Oh yeah 'Waiting for Godot'

    I hope this blogmeet isn't too late as I've my beauty sleep to get and Mrs CyberScribe's Mum says she's to to be in before 8am.

  21. I will have to consult with Ganching but I'm thinking 8pm onwards. That means that all the ones whose Mammys don't allow them out too late will be able to get home well before 8am.

    And I'm thinking Johnny Joe's. Anybody any thoughts on that?

  22. Anonymous11:23 pm

    Where is Cushion Doll again? It's not on my map...

  23. Go to Google Maps and key in Johnny Joe's. If that fails try Sandra's Mammy's House.

  24. To get to Cushion Doll:

    Find "End of Civilization"; it's on most good maps.

    Then head another five miles north east.

  25. A fella I know bought a house in Cushion Doll and told his then fiancée (now wife) that she'd need punts when she came to visit. She believed him. Obviously it was pre-Euro days.

  26. I'm going to cancel going to the 'Arse End of Nowhere'. If I was to go and enjoy a couple of drinks and not risk losing my drivers license I'd have to take a bus...

    leave Greyabbey @ 15:41 to go to (Laganside Buscentre)Belfast then get to Belfast High Street and leave there @16.35 to go to Ballymena which I'd have to leave @17.40 and arrive in Cushion Doll @ 18.22 and...

    I can't find a taxi firm in Cushendall listed in Yellow Pages and it'd be too late to try and book a B&B (I'd been checking for friends coming over from Portsmouth in early November and none were available in Greyabbey or Bangor around Christmas then so the chance of anything being available anywhere now?)

    Have a good night and a Great Christmas! :-)

  27. Big shame. It does sound like a helluva trek to Cushion Doll for a County Down man.

    But there's bound to be another up and coming blogmeet when the Stray Toaster is next around. So we'll see you then.

  28. I was amazed, I typed in Johnny Joe's into google and there it was, first result!

  29. Johnny Joe's is the one opposite Harry's, isn't it?

  30. Mark - I'm amazed too. That's it, otherwise known as McCollam's.

    Ed - I don't know. I googled Harry's and the first one up was in Gainesville, Ohio.

    All - Myself and my cohorts intend to be in McCollam's at 8pm. God willin'.
