Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year


  1. Anonymous9:18 am

    Happy New Year.

    Thought I should - belatedly - thank you for your cheese scone recipe. I made them on Christmas Eve, and they were lovely.

  2. Oh good. I'm thinking of changing my (real) name from Mary Majella to Mary Nigella.

  3. Happy new year to Nellybert, family and menagerie.

  4. Greetings too, to your good self, your good mother and the Beach Octopus.

  5. Anonymous5:37 pm

    happy new year to all at nellyberts, hope 2007 treats you well

    mikey x

  6. Happy New Year :-) Nelly & Bert

    That picture up there, for some reason, makes me want to go out and get a burger

  7. A very Happy Calendar Transition to you and yours.

  8. turkeyburger - yuck, maybe 'goose -burger'?

    We managed to get rid of more of the turkey the other night when we told our friends who were over for dinner that what they were eating was a chicken brocoli bake. It consisted of a mix of chicken pieces and turkey pieces too.It didn't taste too bad and as far as I know all who ate it are still living.

    At this time of year I refuse to call at the in-laws for anything to eat as 'turkey pasties' seems to be all they have.I suppose the chance of me visiting them in Darfur is slim ;-)

  9. Anonymous10:40 pm

    Happy New Year to you & yours, Nelly :)

  10. Is the sister the Beach Octopus? I think I missed that one.

  11. Anonymous2:50 pm

    Happy new year all. I was in an awful gin coma and lost everything - thats why i didn't call anyone as i lost my phone.
    Oops - that'll teach me.
    Still got a lot of unexplainable cuts/bruises and fell asleep in a taxi amongst other things.

    Hope you all had a fab time and see you mid-February!

    Lots of love,
    Mel. x x

  12. Sandra - indeed. It's what we call Speech Therapists around here.

    Mel - Oh my God! You'd be much safer spending Hogmanay here in Norn Iron.

  13. Apologies for my goldfish memory. I do recall that conversation now. To be honest, I was all of a collywobble with Handsome Ed beside me.
