Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Nelly's Recipes: No. 1


You will need

  • Neill’s Soda Bread Flour (200g)
  • Butter (50g)
  • Strong cheddar cheese
  • 1 egg
  • Buttermilk
  • Salt & Black Pepper
  • Dried mustard or paprika

Rub the butter into the flour until it resembles very fine breadcrumbs. (Tip: cut butter into small pieces for ease of breadcrumbing)

Add salt (go easy), black pepper (good sprinkle and one teaspoon dried mustard or half teaspoon of paprika.

Add at least 50g of grated cheese. You can add up to 100g but bear in mind that extra cheese will give the scones a heavier texture. They’ll still be yummy.

Mix in the beaten egg and enough buttermilk to make firm dough. Shape the dough on a floured surface into a piece about a finger thick (if, like mine, your fingers are fat). You can cut these into eight squarish scones. Place on a greased baking tray. (Tip: If you add too much liquid and your dough turns out a bit soggy just lash it on to a tray without shaping or cutting and call it bread.)

Cook in a fairly hot oven for 10-12 minutes. Longer if baking bread.

Actually I just fling all the ingredients, except the buttermilk, into a Magimix and let it rip. Then I add the buttermilk in dribs and drabs until I get the consistency I want.

(Tip: Scones or bread are ready to come out of the oven if they make a hollow sound when you tap them.)


  1. I don't suppose you could translate that into American? I can probably figure out the measurements, but it's the "fairly hot" oven that gets me.

  2. Would 220 help? Can you get soda bread flour in Texas? And Neills flour? Have a wee experiment and let me know. (Tip. Once I ran out of buttermlk and soured the milk with lemon juice. It worked but the scones did taste a bit citrussy)

  3. Nelly you are a star.
    I never did think of using the soda flour. I make sodas on one o them george formby grills ( a flat plate one ! ).
    Cheese scones ahoy, I'll post a bread recipe or two on my blog in return then.
