Saturday, December 02, 2006

Stormy Weather

I took Matty to Ballymena this afternoon as she wanted to buy some reading glasses. She got her second cataract operation earlier in the week and found that her old reading glasses didn't do the job any more. Of course the first thing she wants to do in Sainsburys is buy a scratch card (she's addicted)but, ever the caring daughter, I pulled her out of the queue on the grounds that it was too long and she would tire herself out. I told her I'd stop at another scratch card vending emporioum on the way home.

So we got our bits and pieces and split up at the checkouts. I'd more stuff than Matty so took a bit longer. When I was through I looked about but couldn't see her anywhere. Then I bumped into George, my old colleague from Tinkerton. We chatted for a few moments and I mentioned I was looking for my mother. He said, "Oh mine follows me around," and I looked behind him to see an elderly gentleman smiling benignly whilst leaning on a trolley. "You're lucky," I said, "Mine wanders off."

I found her eventually. She was furtively scraping at a scratch card. The minute my back was turned...


I'm home alone tonight as Bert has gone camping with his West Belfast friends.

Camping? In this weather? They were planning to go to Murlough Bay but they must have forgotten to listen to the weather forecast. It's very wet and VERY windy.

Methinks they'll be camping in the Marine Hotel, Ballycastle.


    I'd an e-mail from a couple that were over here last night...

    'Stuffed and Buffetted'

    Well, we managed to get past Mount Stewart with a bit of battering by the waves but, about a mile and a half further along, we couldn't go on. Three fire engines and ther police were out and they told us (and a few other drivers) that the road was closed. (We don't know if there was some sort of accident ahead or if it was due just to the flooding). But we got a police escort! The police car led us along a narrow inland road and we eventually reached Newtownards.

    The storm didn't seem so bad around Belfast, but it's building up here quite a bit!

    I expect your next post might be entitled 'Look what the wind blew in' :-)

  2. The traffic cop who stopped him on the way home was a bit sceptical too.
