Sunday, January 14, 2007

Extreme Cooking

Our local celebrity chef Jenny Bristow is, in my opinion, up there with Nigella, Jamie and the rest of them.

Her unique appeal lies in that she can create new ideas and twists using affordable ingredients that are ready available in any local or high street shop,
I'm confident in saying that Jenny's recipes are so well designed that successful results can be guaranteed even when the cook is drunk.

Inspired by Jenny's example and using her brownie recipe I created my own unique twist using ingredients not easily found in any local or high street shop.

Cybez' recipe for Nigerian Groundnut Stew went down well with the carnivores while the veggies relished a meat-free chili dish. We had parsnip soup to begin and apple & raspberry crumble to finish.

Everything seemed a little topsy-turvy last night. At one point during a conversation with Swisser I realised that she was making total sense while I was talking bollocks. How strange.

I was fast asleep by 11pm while everyone else stayed up until 2am. Was it the wine, the brownies, exhaustion? Who knows? But I do know this - the way I felt this morning makes me glad that getting stoned is becoming an annual event rather than a daily one.


  1. Of course you are spinning a fictional story Nelly. The evils of durgs and all that, still illegal etc. Know where I can get some? ;-)

  2. You're better of without them.

  3. The recipe for Nigerian Groundnut Stew I've left as a comment @ Ganchings just in case anyone else wants to try it too. I'm glad it went down well and I hope it stayed down too :-)

  4. Heh-heh... you said high street...

  5. Even The Wee Manny stayed up til 2.

  6. That trip up 'High' street was too much for this fader.
