Saturday, January 06, 2007

He Just Doesn't Have The Balls

Paddy came to us from the Crosskennan Animal Sanctuary and as is the custom they neutered him before rehoming him. This is the proper course to take, as neutered animals do not produce more unwanted offspring. Yet at the very start I got an impression that Paddy was pissed off at losing his cojones. I think he might have been quite a player in his day.

Rosie was a neutered rescue dog from the Dog's Trust so Paddy has never encountered an on season bitch since he came to live with us. He’s never seemed to miss ‘that side of things’ - that is until now. For Bonnie has all her bits in place and she’s coming on to heat and Paddy is ever so excited. It seems that when they took away his mechanics they didn’t take away his interest. The pair of them are cavorting and bottom-sniffing and he’s trying to get in there. It is bound to end in disappointment for one or both of them. Just as well really. Can you imagine the mutts those two would have produced?


  1. I don't get this. "Paddy came to us from the Crosskennan Animal Sanctuary and as is the custom they neutered him before rehoming him." Could you please enlighten me on this? I keep following all your posts hope you can regularly post more. I get very useful information here. Thanks for having this.

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  2. Quite an old post you are commenting on. You don't say where you hail from. In the UK and Ireland it is usual for dogs being rehomed from animal rescue charities to be neutered.
