Thursday, January 25, 2007

Not Another New Job!

Yes indeedy. I start next Monday.

This couldn't have come at a better time for I was starting to realise that the hands-on caring work was not for me. Hurting my back scared me to bits. I'd always have been worried about it happening again.

No details on the new job other than I'll be working for a young businessman who is a friend of a friend.


  1. Congratulations! Hope that you will be very happy in your new job.

  2. Thanks! Hope all your work is going well too.

  3. Anonymous10:48 pm

    very best of luck nelly! mikeyboys x

  4. Anonymous10:49 pm

    I am intrigued to know what this job is but good luck with it.

  5. Anonymous10:51 pm

    Are your comments working? Good luck with the new job what ever it is.

  6. Anonymous12:40 am

    What brilliant news Nelly - I'll be thinking of you monday. Hope youR back is getting better. Does
    Bert still do those back exercises? I remember many a time going into the living room in your last house only to find Bert contorted on the floor.
    Lots of love,

    Mel.x x x

  7. All the best for Monday.

    Hope the back improves.

    Have enjoyed your thoughts for months now. Hope you will have plenty of time to keep it up.

