Monday, January 22, 2007


I mentioned on Friday that I hurt my back at work but, being a brave and uncomplaining soul, haven't mentioned it since.

Well - on Saturday morning it was difficult getting out of bed and I was well pissed off about it. But after a few co-codamol, a 40 minute walk and a hot bath I was reasonably fine.

Yesterday it seemed to have stiffened up again but after the painkiller, walk and bath treatment it was grand by last night and I was all set for work today.

This morning it was great - hardly a twinge and I set off for work. Maybe a little bit sore getting out of the car but nothing much - then...

Maybe it was a bit of an atmosphere I sensed, maybe it was the cold, maybe apprehension that the work expected of me was physical but whatever, the next thing my back went into a sort of spasm. The worst pain yet. I sent myself home.

So here I am. Sore to sit down, sore to stand and sore to walk. I'm dosed to the eyeballs with painkillers and I've got a hottie stuffed down the back of my trousers. As if my arse wasn't big enough.


  1. Minnie Driver? You like her?

  2. Minnie Driver? Yer one who once ate a whole coathanger, and suffered facial disfigurement from it?

    Sir: you shoulda gone to Specsavers.

  3. I didn't like to say ... but she does have a look of a lunching hamster.

  4. Well, I'm sorry to hear that your back is sore, even if no-one else cares.

  5. All's in men's heads is..?

  6. Minnie Driver wouldn't be my first choice of a hottie but I think it's good that Beowulf thinks she is. It means there's hope for us all.

    Poor moms. Hope your back feels better soon.

  7. Keep takin' the durgs Nelly. Back pain is no laughing matter.

  8. Most hotties I can think of would do little or no good for back pain. However, as I am currently struck down with Man Flu, I would plump for Mary-Louise Parker in a nurse's uniform.

    Hope the pain recedes soon, Nelly

  9. Well, somewhat like Minnie Driver, but actually fit, and can act a whole hell of a lot better: Ms Rachel Weiss.

    Although I'd quite happily settle for Mary Louise Parker.

  10. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Ms Weiss. Mmmmm.

    Youse all forget, though, that Mr Wulg and Ms Driver have a _history_.

  11. Tell us more Mr Bolan.

  12. Was it when she was doing Circle of Friends? Was that shot on the Oul' Sod?

  13. Anonymous1:43 pm

    oh boo - back pain is the worst but hope it is subsiding now.
    i guess if Minnie Driver was down your trousers it would take your mind the pain.. and you would be able to hang clothes on your behind. brill!

    back soon - 14 Feb so really lookig forward to seeing you guys then.
    Give my love to all.
    Mel. x x

    xx x
