Sunday, February 25, 2007

Pearlie Speaks Her Mind

Despite being in hospital Pearlie has lost none of her willingness to express her displeasure.

On admission: She was not at all impressed with the 'wee cup of tea, dear?'

Coul. Do they think I'm some sort of oul woman that might burn herself on a dacent drink of warm tea? I'm not drinking that oul slap.

On her nursing care:

I pressed the buzzer and they never came. I put my thumb on it and I just kept pressing it til they had to come. Just like this..
Pearlie! You're pressing it. They'll think you're wanting them!
Huh! They'll hardly be tripping over themselves! Wait til ye see.

Sure enough about five minutes later a staff member came on to the ward and asked in a desultory fashion,

Did someone press the buzzer?
Pearlie and I sat with innocent faces and said nothing. Little did we know that there was a flashing red light on the wall behind us that indicated that we had indeed pressed the buzzer. She gave us the benefit of the doubt and sauntered off.

And on her fellow patients.
Yer boy to the right. I woke up the other night and he was rummaging through my knickers! I says to him 'What are ye doing! Those are not yours!' And thon other boy. He's doting! He was up the other night wandering about and asking, 'What time is it? What time is it?' I says to him, 'It's time ye were in your bed and letting other folk get a wink of sleep!'

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