Friday, February 02, 2007

Hi! It's Holly De Cat!

Me just hanging about

Yay! Hi guys! Holly here! Ya know I'm the youngest one at Nellybert's now, 'cept for me and Bonnie the rest are a bunch of boring old farts. Bert's OK, Nelly is dull-dull-dull and Rosie n Paddy are beyond dull.

All Nelly does is housework and cakes and hunch over that stupid computer. She goes men-tal if I walk on it when she's doing dullness on it. Least when Bert's playing the clarinet he doesn't yell at me if I show some interest.

Me and my bezzie mate

If I ever get the chance (as if!) I'm getting a Bebo page and this is what I'm sort of thinking about so far. Wot u think?

Stuff I like

  • Claro music
  • Meat
  • Hanging about
  • Hanging about in bags
  • Hanging about with Bonnie
  • Fighting
  • Spar bags
  • Bert
  • Fish
  • Mice
  • Racing
  • Sleeping
  • Climbing

The Other Half Of Me

  • Bonnie. She's the best

Hanging (again)


  1. Nice photos. I only wish my dog was that tolerant.

  2. I really do like those hanging around in bags photos.

  3. She has got a bit of a plastic bag fetish. She sees a plastic bag - she gets in it.

    Bonnie is amazingly placid around the cat. The only thing that bothers her is anybody messing with me.

  4. Those pictures of Holly are TOO ADORABLE!!
