Tuesday, February 20, 2007

No More Than Two Consecutive Nights

No more than two consecutive nights in bed.

Those were my instructions and I was, I am, determined to stick to them.

On night one Gracie was left downstairs in a cosy room in her cosy basket with its silken cushion. And for several hours all was well. Then at around half three the plaintive wails began. The crying was soft and sad at first becoming harder and more distressed. Poor wee thing. Perhaps Foxy was glaring in the patio doors at her. Or if not Foxy, maybe it was Ratty was baring his yellow fangs through the glass, or perhaps it was Tufty who disturbed her sleep as he raided the garden of its remaining Brussels sprouts. I tried to ignore her cries but it was too hard and anyway I needed to sleep. Had to get up for work next day. So I went down, gathered her up and she and I and Bonnie and Holly de Cat slept together peacefully and companionably until morning.

Last night was better. I left her downstairs with Paddy for company and there wasn’t a whisper out of her. But when I went downstairs this morning there was no Paddy and no Gracie. I found them in bed with Bert and Rosie.

Tonight she must sleep in her doggy bed. Or perhaps I should do what Pearlie suggested,

I dinnae like that wee doag. I'd like to hit it a quare skite. Ye should keep it in a cage.


  1. Anonymous11:46 pm

    D and Z will trying to book an emergency flight home as we speak.

  2. Anonymous2:46 pm


    Z & D

  3. She was good last night. No bed!

  4. Anonymous3:23 am

    Congratulations, keep up the good work. We have cancelled the emergency flight home! Off for more hiking tomorrow, stunning views. Give G a big snuggle from us!

    D & Z

  5. G gets (and demands) lots of cuddles & attention. All in all she is getting on well with us and the other dogs.

    However Pearlie has been taken to hospital so we've been in touch with B&M and Gracie is going there a few days early.
