Thursday, February 15, 2007

Radio Stars

Bert was not one bit impressed that Ed got to meet Hugo Duncan.

He was ripping, though, that I did not use my new-found BBC connections to wangle some inside info on his hero - Gerry Anderson.


  1. Anonymous11:01 pm

    Me and Sandra have decided we're not even going to listen to the programme when it's on and we wouldn't go on the radio even if they asked us - so there.

  2. Remember when being interviewed for the radio to use sign language like I did.Technology is wonderful these days that we can even do that on the radio. I reckon I looked the part for it and was even wearing Joop so I smelt great :-)

  3. In fact, next time Ganching is home, we are going to have a select evening out without any of you shower of media hoors. Some people will do anything for their 15 minutes of fame.

  4. Is this where I tell my Gerry-Anderson-bought-me-lunch story?


    Fair enough.

  5. Cybez - I cleaned the house especially. Wouldn't want all those radio listeners thinking I lived in a tip! He might have smelled something odd as he passed through Bert's domain. But it was OK as by then his recording machine was switched off.

    Sandra - Jealousy is a very unattracive trait. But never mind. I've no doubt that you will eventually get on the BBC and Ganching? She has already tasted fame after havig been prominently featured in an important architecture journal. Name escapes me.

    Brian - that would depend on whether you're talking about THE Gerry Anderson and not the one who created the puppet show.

  6. Anonymous8:21 am

    You know, since I've met The Wee Man From Strabane, I've learned to not believe anything you hear on the radio. For a start, the wee man ain't that wee at all. Too many hearty meals, methinks.

    Some inside trivia on Mr Anderson: he's a sweary gentleman.

  7. Anonymous10:47 am

    whats this new found radio fame then? and will i get it in the edinburgh?


  8. So can I tell the 'Gerry Anderson is scared of my wife' story here too?

  9. Anonymous12:44 pm

    Nelly (at work)

    Yes please. I'd adore to hear that story and so would Bert. He loves scary women too.

  10. I can't understand why Ganching is being snubbed - sure she has been multiply-mentioned on Radio 4!

    Re. Mr Anderson: As I am also a fan, and all these stories sound good, why don't we have a Gerry Anderson Day? Monday, maybe? And everyone has to tell a Gerry Anderson story of some sort.

  11. Anonymous2:15 pm

    Nelly (at work)

    Gerry Anderson Day sounds good but I'm afraid I have no GA story of my own. (I've a 50 Cent one).

    Bert & Clint are always threatening to go to one of Gerry's Singles Nights but I've yet to sign the Permission Slip.

    Ganching's Radio 4 mentions are to be commended but it's Radio Ulster that carries cachet here.

    And Sandra - when you return to your native shores we will all be expecting you to have your own TV series within 5 years. After all if that blonde vet could do it...

  12. hat would depend on whether you're talking about THE Gerry Anderson and not the one who created the puppet show.

    What makes you think I would be lunching with puppeteers?

  13. Anonymous2:34 pm

    Nelly (at work)

    Well for a start there'd be nothing wrong with taking a spot of lunch in the company of the man who created Twizzle and Torchy. (Oh happy far-off days)

    But you'd probably have a bit more craic with Geraldo, Son of Ander.

    So do we get the story? Was drink taken? Was he overly familiar with the waitress?

  14. Anonymous3:35 pm

    No one asked me. *sniff*

    Though according to the Times today I was born in the year of the Ox and that makes me aloof and a loner, so I guess that's OK then.

  15. Anonymous4:07 pm

    From A Snake to An Ox

    Was it your fearsome temper? Or your seeming distant and aloof?

    But not to worry - you are sincere and trustworthy and will rarely be short of people to support you.

    Go Beowulf! Anyway when you hear the programme you'll likely be thinking, there but for the Grace of God...
