Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bloggus Interruptus

I'm trying to be the first to post about having just been on the radio on William Crawley's show about blogging in Norn Iron. But Matty just interrupted me by phoning to say she missed it as she'd been listening to the wrong channel. Then she tells me that my cousin's daughter was on TV last night (TV!) so that puts me in my place.

So what did I think? Gratified that my voice ....(interrupted again! by Zoe on the phone.) Anyway very gratified that my voice did not sound as squeaky as I'd feared.

And interesting to hear the voices of other bloggers too.


  1. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Your self and him self were both excellent.

  2. I thought you spoke very well.

  3. Well done Nelly!

    What station were you on?

  4. Thanks, thanks & Radio Ulster.

  5. Anonymous3:22 pm

    So have you taped it for us foreigners over here or is it possible to listen to it on the net?

  6. You can listen again for the next week here.

    Which is nice.

  7. Anonymous4:47 pm

    Just listened to it. You are all stars (almost as good as being in a book!).

  8. Yeah being in a book is pretty good too.

    Less good is making Mr Bolan apopleptic. I KNEW as soon as you mentioned that 'dread U word' that he'd take one of his turns.

    Next thing you'll be saying that ID cards are a good idea and then the steam will be rising off young Mr H.

  9. Actually, the mention of the U word would often set me off as well, but I didnae think that the post in question was the time nor place for expressing my feelings.

    Now, ID cards, it's always the right time and the right place for denouncing such things.

    In fact, that was the first thing me ma said to me after hearing the documentary. "So we'll not be getting you that ID card then, wouldn't want veins popping out of your head."

  10. Does your mother read your blog?

    As for unions. I believe that they started out as a force for good. Maybe they did become too strong and maybe that wasn't such a good thing.

    I'm of an age that remembers a time, before widespread employment legislation, when people needed unions and I recall them doing sterling work on behalf of people I know. I sympathise with Gan's viewpoint. It's tough seeing colleagues being shat on.

  11. 'apopleptic'? I thought I was quite restrained. In fact, the first few goes were a bit more, well, anti-Leftists.

    Being shat on is not good. In any way. Companies abusing their positions is deplorable, and should be stomped on. Bullying is awful, and should be ended instantly. Unions are...ack, you know, I know nothing.

    As for the Blogumentary, it was ace!

  12. Anonymous6:57 pm

    I hate blogger. Why did it log me in? Why?

    And slugger still isn't a blog.

  13. Re last two comments - I fear that a cetain beloved fellow blogger is displaying signs of a multi-faceted personality. What we oldsters used to refer to as 20th Century Schizoid Man.

    There you go Stray - another personality to add to your collection except you'll have to update it to 21st century. 'Cause there's nuttin' old-fashioned about you.

    Now I feel a bout of piracy coming
    on - it's a lifetime since I listened to Fripp et al.

  14. Ach, my reminder I had set on my phone went off as I was helping my father in law cart stuff about ( coerced into manual labour yet again). I shall have to avail myself of the "listen again thingummy".

  15. Nelly: Dear God, I hope she does not. But she knows about it.

  16. She'l definitely read it now that you have ahieved province-wide fame.

    Matty will never read my blog. Hell! She never even listned to the adio programme. And she thinks the internet is evil etc.

    Occasionally she'll say afer telling me some excellent tale,

    "Don't you be putting that on your block."

  17. Sure she's just Matty from the block. Yo.

  18. After I figured out how to configure the RealPlayer plugin for Firefox, I got to hear the program!

    The best part was Nelly cracking herself up whilst reading one of her own posts!

  19. I found that part a little bit embarrassing when I heard it.
