Monday, March 05, 2007

There Shall Be Weeping And Gnashing....

The Swearing Lady doesn't appear to have got back from the Irish Blog Awards yet. I do hope she hasn't run off with Twenty. But if she does get back to the Arse End I daresay she'll hardly be telling us what that oul goat really looks like. It's like the best kept secret ever. And all the bloggers who met him will be gloating to themselves and dropping hints and telling the rest of us 'minions' fuck all.

Aye it's the word 'minions' that has put me in a rage. Not against Madame Sweary of course but at yerman from Tinkerton Towers who used to refer to the staff 'under' him as minions, as in,

Oh I'll get one of my minions to do that.

That really used to set my teeth on edge. And don't get me started on teeth....


  1. Psst!

    Twenty was only gawjuss.

  2. Photo? Spect that's against the Irish Blogger's Code? Then ask yourself, 'Is it a Good Thing?' There have been too many secrets in Irish society

  3. Anonymous3:33 pm

    Nelly, slightly off topic here, but how do you feel about Damien Rice?

    As far as I know, Twenty doesn't like Damien.

  4. I would not be a fan of Damien Rice. He and his kind's outpourings could best be described as music for people who don't actually like music but can't bear silence either.
