Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Best Quiz(zes) Ever

One for the computer geeks

I got 9/10. Too easy. Mind you you'd only have to make one mistake....

Only if you've got facial hair and a penis

I didn't do this one for obvious reasons.

Art or Crap?

I only got 6/16. Perhaps you'll do better?

What kind of thinker are you?

Like Charles Darwin and Johnny Morris I am a Naturalist thinker.


  1. Indeed. Did you try the what kind of OS you are?

  2. I is a Logical-Mathematical Thinker, apparently. Like my old muckers Isaac Newton, Archimedes, Albert Einstein.

    Clearly lies, of course, for I only met logic once. Didn't like it.

  3. Anonymous7:57 am

    Where youse all only *one* type of thinker? Err, I am three. Which is fine, given I am legion. (And one of them recommended me being Head Of State. Bwhahahahahah. *cough*)

    HPux is fine, as it happens. I used it when playing with clusters. At least you aren't OS/2 warp. Now that is shame...(and it is true, I have a beard and a penis. Some would say around the same region of the body, but my hearing is getting worse as I get older.)

  4. Spatial Thinker

  5. I am esistential thinker such as Gandhi, Jesus, Martin Luthor King. My career should be Religious leader.

    Is a very good test!!

  6. I got a bit confused as all the thinking types came up at the end of my thinking quiz. I rwe took it giving one set of answers (not my honest ones) to see what the craic was. It only came up with one type then.

    I am the reanaiassance ideal, it seems. Please excuse me as I am off to polish my ego. ;-)

  7. Anonymous12:18 pm

    Off topic (9/10 on the geeks) but have finally had the chance to listen to you on the wireless, and I thought you were very good indeed.

  8. Anonymous2:03 pm

    Linguistic and should have a career as a poet.

  9. I'm pretty good at 'digging' out the good quizzes amint I? But then I am all natuaralist and gardeny and digging and rooting about is my thing. And how very accurate all your results were. But then the thinker quiz was from the BBC! Ahem! Excuse me while I replace my red rag in my pocket.

    Yes. So very, very accurate. The artistics, Zoe and Beowulf, the logical Edward, the literary Ganching, the Holy & Blessed Manuel (surely the onset of stigmata must be nigh), the Man of Mystery & Lies, Mr Mudflapgypsy and Mr Bolan - impenetrable and boastful as ever.

    And FreshBlade! She knows a serial killer when she sees one. With a name like that maybe she is one!

  10. 9/10 on the killers, and 12/16 on the art.

    Who knew a gold thing of Michael jackson would be "art?"

  11. Lies? (feigns hurt) Lies?

    Mystery, yes, up to a point but lies?
    No, no lies. Not on my blog not on my your blog nor in any comments made on anyone else's.

    All thinking types appeared on screen after I answered the quiz truthfully.


    .....Stomps off in a huff..... >;-0

  12. TG you were only "feigning" hurt otherwise I'd feel like a churl.

  13. Don't go feeling like a churl.....

    There are too many of them about as it is.

  14. Anonymous3:08 pm

    did the thinker one when it was in the paper a couple of weeks ago - i was primarily a linguistic thinker, then musical - which is good considering i'm a copywriter and musician...i hate to be so predictable.

    mikey x
