Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Movie Dump

That other silly blog I've got looks like it might be turning into a repository for my new camera video clips. Things never turn out the way you expect them to.


  1. Anonymous10:44 am

    you got another blog nelly?? mels was saying how she might be over for berts birthday in a few weeks, is it one of them invite only affairs you read about in heat (ahem), or could we both suprise him?

    hope you're both good, dogs etc too

    mikey x

  2. Yes. It's called Snarly Legend. Anagram of Nellys Garden for all who aren't crossword puzzle fans.

    You'd be welcome for the party if it was just a weekend. I've got an exam coming up and need to study.

  3. Anonymous11:30 pm

    Well if your sure its alright nelly, i think we might both make it over for a birthday drink...maybe a suprise, ho knows. dont worry, couldnt get time off work even i wanted to, just the wknd

    mikey x

  4. That would be brilliant Mikey. A weekend would be excellent. Then we could arrange the longer stay for later on in the year. I'm excited now, don't let me down!

  5. Yaaay!!! Surprise visits for Bert! You and Mel have to hide somewhere and i will create a Treasure Hunt for Bert to find you.

  6. Whoops. didn't realise I was logged in as mum in that last comment.

  7. Anonymous4:59 pm

    yay - we're both booked for flights and time off from the grind! we wont let you down! i'll try and muster as many treats as i can carry...reckon we should def keep it a suprise

    mikey xx
