Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Sad Homecoming

Our friends, the Wee Manny's, have just got back from a short holiday in Brazil to hear the sad news that one of their dogs, Jock, was killed on the road last night. Jock was a great wee dog. Animals can be such a heartbreak.

And Clint has just lost a clocking goose and eight eggs. Fuck you Foxy. Why could it not have been you instead of Jock?


  1. I'll not show the Mrs this, she'd start crying. She rescues mice and rats from our cat.
    Do you see many badgers around your way?

  2. Do we don't see badgers much but they are elusive critters. However the country is hoochin' with foxes and boy racers. I don't know which annoys me the most.

    Mind you when it comes to fast driving the young fellows have got nothing on the thirty something not so yummy mummies in their 4x4s. They drive like maniacs.

  3. losing a pet is always awful.

  4. Anonymous8:56 pm

    It is the bloody motorbikers that are doing my head in at the minute. It is intolerable where I live; it's like the flaming Le Mans racetrack past our house.
    Terrible shame about the nice wee dog.

  5. What, pray tell, is a 'clocking goose'?

    Our local geese just honk and hiss and chase you while flapping their wings. They don't seem to own stopwatches...

  6. Thanks for all comments.

    To Fresh Blade - that's what you get for living in an area of outstanding natural beauty.

    To El Capitan - a clocking goose (or hen) is one that is sitting on a clutch of fertilised eggs. What do you call it in Texas?
