Sunday, May 13, 2007

Excuses, Excuses

Blogging will be lighter than usual over the next four weeks because I will be working in my garden... and studying for an exam.

There is also a party to be organised next weekend for Bert will soon be 48 and Hannah is going to Thailand... and I have an exam in June.

Then there is our visit to Norfolk. Zoe, Katy and I will be visiting the English Bowyers, Mick and Katy and their partners Linda and Mark.... it will be a welcome break from studying for my exam. Which is the second week in June.

Oh! And I mustn't forget about teaching practice. I've that to get out of the way....before my exam. In June.

Then Bert is going to Northern Spain for a week and I will have sole responsibility for dogs, cat, hens and Pearlie. That's a week before my exam.

So I'm going to be busy. Revising for an exam.


  1. Anonymous8:35 am

    Norwichshire, eh?

    Well, if you venture out of blonde-clone-groupthink chick land, and onwards to Cambridge-Town, please do be giving me a bell.

  2. Anonymous9:35 am

    That depends on which part of Norwichshire you are in. Norwich itself is 60-odd miles, but the border itself is only down the road. Hunstanton and the wash is about 80.

  3. Anonymous1:11 pm

    oh dear nelly,

    make sure you get away too once the exams are done. hope we're still cool for friday (lunchtime-ish)???

    see you soon, let me know if there's any particular treats that could ease your exam tedium....

  4. Mr B - we're going to be about 15km from Hunstanton so pretty far then.

    Hey-Anonny-Nonny - cool for Friday. Looking forward to it.

  5. Anonymous11:54 am

    excellent, can't wait! maybe give you a wee call with times etc, or better yet, maybe mel will...

    see you all soon,

    mikey x
