Saturday, May 26, 2007

It's Amazing!

Spent a little while today down at Clint's (aka the nursery) taking another silly mini-vid. Bert complained that I was taking movies of him and he hadn't even combed his hair. I reassured him that I had editing software that could comb his hair for him.

And can you guess which thoughtful husband this is?

Thoughtful Hubby: I bought Delilah a rabbit for her birthday.
Bert: What colour is it?
Thoughtful Hubby: Blue with silver balls.
Bert: Really?
Thoughtful Hubby: Aye. Now may be she'll lee me alone!

And now we've just had a phone call from Rodders who got the barbecue date wrong and wants to come partying tonight with a 'crowd of musicians'. Oh dear. And me in the middle of my revision schedule. I think Bert has put him off. I do hope so. When Rodders talks about 'musicians' he could well mean Californian punks or ruffians like that Fifty Cent chappie. I certainly don't want him here tonight. We'd have to lock away all the magpie shooters. Hang on a minute, aren't we supposed to....


  1. Anonymous9:14 am

    have i not heard a story involving Bert and 50 Cent somewhere before? Or is my massive substance abuse just cathcing up with me?

    anyway, happy birthday to the old fella, hope this weekend was a bit more chilled than the last.

    All the best, good luck nelly...

    mikeyboy x

  2. Bert has NEVER met Fifty Cent! Never, never, never!

    They do have a tenuous connection though.

  3. Anonymous12:51 pm

    on the slight defensive there nelly? i was just just saying that i'd heard of said tenuous link too...

    hee hee

    m x

  4. 50 Cent got that stuff somewhere else! It had nothing to do with Bert!
