Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Class of 2007...

...or those of us who didn't have to rush back to work or other commitments.

Funny things exams. Throughout the year you go to your classes, you produce good coursework, you read your expensive text books and you revise like crazy. Then you go into an examination room with nothing more than a dictionary and two new biros and put down a parcel of shite.


  1. Anonymous11:10 pm

    Don't believe it - this is the old 11+ thing isn't it? Kids who said it was easy usually didn't pass - those of us clever enough not to tempt fate usually did (and it also helped to make sure you lived in an area where there were plenty of grammar school places as well - that improved your chances too.)

  2. An easy exam would not be worth doing... and on that cryptic note I retire to bed with killer sudoku a book of (hopefully rude) short stories and a glass of anis and water.

  3. I detest exams. Nothing more than memory tests. Still, I hope you do really well Nelly.

  4. I'll be happy just to pass and that means getting 60%.

  5. Lovely pic, but I had to lighten it up to see everyone. Don't let them line you up with a window at your back...
