Sunday, July 01, 2007

Another Coffee Blog...

I received a nice comment this morning from this blogger. She kindly gave me a credit for encouraging her to Keep. On. Blogging.

Now and again I check out Technorati to find out what bloggers have been saying about the local neighbourhood. Sometimes it's just something as mundane as where the local lodge is marching this Twelfth. Then sometimes it's something interesting like people crunching their motors into gateposts. And immediately I'm in sympathy...

Apparently our new blogger is working her way through my site which is sort of exciting/scary. She's up to July 2005 and is a big Harry de Cat fan. Oh dear. Sadness lies ahead.

Anyway New Blogging Chum - welcome to Norn Iron Blogerati and Keep. On. Blogging!


  1. Anonymous12:19 am

    Very frighened about what is going to happen to Harry de Cat if I keep reading. It's kind of like not wanting to watch Titanic because I heard a rumour it might sink in the end. May just stay in 2005...

  2. Can I just reassure you that it was quick, that his grave is very pretty and our new cat Holly de Cat is lovely too.

    Still miss Harry though. He was a great cat and the first at Bert ever liked. He likes Holly too. Harry turned him from a cat hater to a cat lover and that hardly ever happens.

  3. hails, are your comments not working?

    I left you a comment earlier on your blog warning you about what you might find here;-)

    and welcoming you to the Norn Irish blogosphere :-)

  4. hails I see your comments are now working. You should be getting an odd visit via the Northern Irish bloggers ring. There is 'one blog' on the ring that may shock and out of badness I'll not tell you what it's called :-)

    Nelly, have you been practising your accordion for the 12th? ;-)

  5. Only bodhrans and banjos at ours on the Twelfth.
