Thursday, July 12, 2007

Are You Worthy Of Cake?

Traditional Twelfth Day barbecue today at Nellybert's. And it's Swisser's birthday. Happy Birthday Swisser! I made a cake. Chocolate Almond Cake with a berry topping. Of course it was just one cake and no way is it going round everyone so we sneaked off to the kitchen, a bunch of us girls and drank Ethiopian coffee and ate cake. The password was 'Are you worthy of cake?'

Those worthy were Swisser, Nelly, Leitrim Sister, Erin, Bert and Ben.

Bert is always up for a bit of girly cake action and Ben helped to bake the cake.


  1. Anonymous5:36 pm

    happy the twelth to you mary. Missing you guys. I hope all is well wi you and the rest of the family. let Burt know that the claro still in operation but will be back on irish soil soon, as soon as im up on me feet again ill be over to come and chk on ol paddy boy. Much Love to you all.

  2. We'll be delighted to see you. Always welcome here. Love to you and your mum
