Monday, July 16, 2007

Diet Blog

God! I’m so depressed. Tonight I joined WeightWatchers. I’ve been thinking about it for ages now. It was every bit as grim as I’d feared.

That was two weeks ago. Tonight I signed in to be weighed for the first time since embarking on the weight loss project. Tonight it wasn't so bad. Tonight I was told I'd lost 7.5 lbs!

I was as gleeful as a gladioli and as chuffed as a chaffinch but.... being as realistic as a reindeer I know that I won't lose at this rate every fortnight. Just as well because if I did I'd be the same weight as Victoria Beckham by New Year's Eve. It's true! I did the projection. Then I'd have to become a footballer's wife and Bert would hate that. He can't stand soccer.


  1. Anonymous9:52 pm

    God bless you Nelly you're a great wee girl. Eat lots of broccoli and cauliflower and the pounds will drop off you in no time at all. Don't forget to drink plenty of water also. You should drink at least two gallons every day. God bless again Nelly I'll check in again soon to see if you're sticking to it.

  2. Good on ye girl!

    be careful not to lose to much or you might begin to look old and haggard like me!

    'fduqgpuk'- word verification looks and sounds like a new slang word.. I might steal it. ;)

  3. Little chance of that Grannymar. Unless I take the first commenter's advice and go for the brassica and water diet!

  4. Anonymous9:52 pm

    Thats super Mary - congratulations! You must feel so chuffed - is really amazing. Today I was reading about Posh Becks & her American tv show. Apparently she was captured on film saying 'Its hard to be this fabulous all the time'. She is funny.
    I also read an interesting article in The Guardian about lion eating chimps that have never been discovered before. Strange goings on!

  5. Yaaay! Go moms. I'm deadly proud of you. See with me gone you have less temptations around. I'm a feeder xxx

  6. Anonymous10:48 pm

    go arn yerself nelly, looking svelte in no time at all..though you should know thats not my favoured look in a women - no sireee, different boats for different moats though...

    best of luck! hi to the boys

    mikey x

  7. Anonymous11:01 pm

    Good luck with Weight Watchers, I had great success with it!
