Sunday, July 29, 2007

I Don't Actually Have A Life

Thursday Bert announced that he was going to the Midlands Music Festival with Billy and Glen. Great I thought, you go Bert. Then I got depressed. Since Pearlie has been ultra-dependant Bert and I can't actually go anywhere together. Not even for one night. Which is OK for Bert because he's got a big network of fellows that he can go off with.

But not me. I knew I hadn't any close female friends. Swisser and Jazzer are more into Bert than they are into me. And both of them drive me mental a lot of the time. There are other work-based friends but they're into painting themselves orange and going to vile night clubs and that's just not me...

I haven't got anybody, apart from Bert, that I want to go away with. And it would be just so sad to go away on my own - or would it?


  1. Anonymous9:27 am

    I hear you. Nearly all my friends are married, so they do holidays with their significant others and/or families. Maybe it wouldn't be sad to go alone. It sounds quite brave, and daring, and exciting... but I'd probably end up feeling very self-pitiful! Where would you go?

  2. Anonymous11:22 am

    Well it is not so bad going away on your own. I've gone cycling in Ireland by myself and when I was in Australia I went to Melbourne and the Blue Mountains. Visiting cities is easy by yourself.

    I am mega jealous of everyone who got to go to Mullingar. How come it was Bert and not you who went? You wouldn't even have had to go on your own seeing as two of your siblings were going to be there.

  3. Anonymous12:16 pm

    What's wrong with going on your own? I have done so several times. I find you meet more people that way, than if you are with someone.

    If you want a break from the wild life at Nelly Berts, come visit your granny over the hill!

  4. Thanks for comments all.

    Hails- An interesting old city might be a good place to start.

    Ganching- Wasn't asked and Bert was.

    Grannymar- I'm a little confused. Are you saying you're over the hill or you live over the hill?

  5. I like going places alone. Once you get past that whole dinner-in-a-nice-restaurant-by-yourself thing, you are invincible.

  6. Anonymous10:46 pm

    Ronni's right. Once you get over the dinner thing, it's great altogether. I don't think it's sad to go on your own, for that'd make me sad and I am not. I am woman, hear me roar, and all that.

  7. I'm going to do it. But I wish I had a camper van then i could take my darling Bonnie. She's never had a holiday.
