Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dodging About

Last night a few of us went to the Feile An Phobail to see Lee "Scratch" Perry. It was a good show. Mr Perry cuts an eccentric looking figure on stage. He pimps his hat, his shoes and the mike but, as I didn't bring my camera, I haven't the evidence. Probably just as well I hadn't a camera as it meant I had more of a chance to just enjoy the performance and, as Bert said,

If he'd stand still a minute 'til I get a good look at him. He's dodging about up there like one of our wee banties!


  1. Anonymous8:25 pm

    About the language thing. Inow work with quite a few immigrants who have been taught English as it is properly spoken. Cos I have forgotten how to speak it properly over the course of my 55 years I have to think of wot I was taught at school and can't remember. Glad you saw a good Lee Perry gig. Sophie saw him last year when he didn't give a shit. Mick

  2. Is this because of Bert's spliffs?

  3. More to do with the bacardi. He was seeing multiple perrys.

  4. I saw him a few years ago now...not impressed. Glad he was on form this time for ya.

  5. Maybe I'm just easily pleased.
