Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Food, Glorious Food!

I've lost 15 lbs. It's taken 5 weeks to lose, which is maybe a bit too fast, but I can't help it. I'm not starving myself.

Here is The Diet

Lots of - porridge, fruit, vegetables, lean meat, fish, Ryvita, cottage cheese, eggs, natural yogurt. coffee, tea.

A little of - milk, honey, gin, nuts, olive oil, white wine.

None of - cheese, bread, shop-bought biscuits/cake.

I'd be lying if I said I was being a total purist but that's about it.


  1. Anonymous4:02 pm

    Well done, Nelly! At the risk of becoming a diet bore, I too am on the happy downward spiral, weight-wise. Unfortunately I haven't got around to buying bathroom scales yet, so I'm measuring my success with a pair of tight jeans...
    Congrats on the 1 stone mark :)

  2. I don't have scales at home either. I go to Weight Watchers for a weekly weigh-in. I find it gives me encouragement over the weekend, knowing I'll be going in there on the Monday evening.

  3. Anonymous5:41 pm

    Well done Nelly...I find the battle with the food quite dificult myself, and am in the process of trying to lose 4 stone....Good luck, and keep it up!

  4. Anonymous11:11 pm


  5. Go Nelly Go Nelly Go Nelly Go! Just don't waste away to nothing so that I don't even recognise you when I come home.

  6. Congratulations! I've only lost 5 lbs!

  7. Anonymous7:42 am

    Oh my God Nelly sure you're a fantastic colleen altogether I am absolutely amazed at all the pounds you've lost. 'Tis a good thing you're doing for the love of it and all. And tell me have you been drinking the water at the same time? 15 Lbs. 'tis unbelievable like. The key must be where you're laying off all that saturated fat in the cheddar and then all that white flour gone from your system be the hokey. God bless again, it won't be long now until you're hitting the dance floor for a grand ould hooley. I'd love a dance or three with you. I'll check back again soon Nelly.

  8. Thanks, everyone, for your encouraging comments.

    MLR & Petesy - all the best to the both of you. Good luck with your own battle Petesy. And MLR if you're wanting to dance me make sure you wear your steel-capped boots or I'll be all over your corns. And me still beef to the arse (like the Mullingar heifer)

    Ronni - don't forget you haven't as much to lose, so 5lbs is good. And it must be tough living in Texas. I've seen the size of those Southern portions!

    Daughters - worry not. The chances of me becoming unrecognisable are very small.

    The Doc - encouragement from the medical profession is heartening indeed. Hope your thesis is coming to a satisfactory conclusion.

  9. Anonymous11:26 am

    thats amazing Nelly - an incredible feat to achieve!
    hope everyone is well.
