Tuesday, August 28, 2007

There Should Have Been Seven

Family and Familiars 1, originally uploaded by NellyMoser.

Bert's Aunt Lizzie was disappointed that Pepe missed out on this photo call but it was hard enough getting six of them on the sofa at once.

From the left the dogs are Gracie, Paddy, Scruff, Rosie, Macy and Bonnie.

They weren't all keen on the picture being taken. Paddy felt the whole thing was beneath him and Bonnie was terribly worried that Macy was going to attack her - again.


Yesterday was my blog's third anniversary and I forgot but there's a reason for that. I'll explain later.


  1. ooooh I miss the dogs so much. I miss you and Bert as well of course. and Holly. Cute picture. I bet it was a total mad house.

  2. The humans were very well-behaved.
