Friday, January 18, 2008

Taken On Trust

Well! For feck's sake! How very, very dare you!

You're having a quiet afternoon. On a whim you decide to go internet shopping. You buy a delish cashmere jumper in the John Lewis sale. (Hasn't arrived yet but you know it will be good. After all it is John Lewis. Qualitee. No postal charges.)

Maybe a scarf to go with it. Let's try Ebay. Rainbow coloured alpaca scarf. Lovely picture. Buy it now!What I thought I was buying

Scarf arrives. Eagerly tear from packaging. Hold up. Something terribly wrong. Is half a scarf. Vendor has cut scarf in half and posted it out. Not even long enough to go round elf's neck. Only has fringing on one side. What a bloody libertee! Go on to Ebay. Compose stern message. Send. Check vendor's page. discover selling other half of scarf for even more than Nelly paid! what a fecking libertee!

And this is what I got


  1. Anonymous10:39 am

    The mean ould W****!

    May she be paid back 200 fold!

  2. Anonymous4:06 pm

    Cheek! Can they be electronically flogged by the Rulers of Ebay Land?

  3. Anonymous4:09 pm

    Ha ha ha ha ha!!! I'm sorry, Nelly, but... no, I'm sorry. Very funny post, though. If we see the day-to-day disappointments and trials of life as quality blog material, they become worthwhile. Kinda.

  4. Y'know it might have been an issue of quality control rather than a deliberate attempt to take a hand out of dear ol' Nelly. I shall keep you posted.

    By the way if any of youse can get your hands on a pair of your Granny's 'pulling' knickers you wouldn't believe what some people would pay for them. Particularly the larger sizes.

  5. Anonymous6:04 pm

    You should publish the scoundrel's name on your blog so that the rest can't be gulled in the same way.

