Sunday, January 13, 2008

Twin Obsessions

These days, whenever Bert isn't doing this....

Bert keeps smiling on even though he's having a bad hair fortnight

...he is to be found making stock. He feels he owes it to the pigs not to waste a bit of them. Of course stockmaking means he is to be found consulting the guru....

Clarinet discarded for a wonderful moment or so

Hannah laughed at me this afternoon when I remarked in grumpy tones,

I think Bert should get his own kitchen!

I wonder if Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall cleans up after himself?

By the way, Bert was slightly reluctant posing for these pictures.

Sure look at the cut of my hair!

Hannah cajoled him by telling him that his fans wouldn't care about his hair and that Hugh's hair was a bit of a state too.
Hugh rocking his trademark lank curls look

The stock is delicious. I'll never be able to go back to manufactured cubes after this.

1 comment:

  1. I have an obsessive stockman too. Our freezer is full of chicken stock and chicken carcasses. Though it makes delicious chicken noodle soup.
