Monday, February 25, 2008

The Queen of the Mournes

That would be Rosie. Me? I'm the Hag of the Mournes.

Bert, Rosie and I had a great time staying at Hanna's Close. We stayed in the Carthouse where, by coincidence , Zoe and Dave had stayed previously. It was Zoe recommended Hanna's Close to us. Naturally it's dog-friendly.

One of the best things about the cottage was the open fire.

It had all the traditional accoutrements for hanging cooking utensils on and I must be one of the few bloggers that remembers these being used.

When I was very little, sometime in the late 50s, my Granny did all her cooking like that. I remember the big black swinging pan where she fried chops and made the traditional Irish breakfast of home-cured bacon, freshly laid eggs and her own soda bread. Glorious. She had a big black pot for boiling spuds and a swinging griddle for soda bread. She must have found it very strange when she moved to the council house in Whelan's Brae.

Bert and I did our small bit of cooking on the electric cooker. We didn't think The Man would have been too impressed if we'd blackened all his pots and pans.

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