Monday, April 07, 2008

Work Is The Curse Of The Blogging Classes

When I worked in Spide City and Tinkerton I had a rich seam of blogging material to mine. It carried only a little risk – the people I blogged about were unlikely to read what I’d written. Had they come across the blog they might have recognised themselves but the ones that provided me with the best stories did not have access to the internet and if they had they’d have been unlikely to be reading blogs. Some of my co-workers knew about the blog – in fact I believe I offended one by referring to her as she who must be obeyed. I don’t know whether it was the phrasing or the font size that bothered her for I never asked. Had my superiors taken umbrage at my ramblings I’d have been pleased. Getting dooced would have been a good route out of a job that I’d started to hate. But they never took it under their notice.

Nowadays I work for builders and property developers and I barely mention my working life. It’s not anywhere near as mad as my previous job but it does have the odd daft moment I’d like to write about. But I won’t because all our customers have broadband and my boss has a Mac in every room of his home. And I quite like the boss, most of the customers and the job.

So when I yearn for my old job it’s only the stories I heard, the things that happened and the excitement that I miss. What’s left for me to blog about now?


  1. Anonymous10:43 am

    You could try 'nothing', I bet you would make a grand job of it.

  2. Anonymous11:05 am

    I agree with Grannymar - some of my favourite posts of yours have been generally not about anything you would claim to be very exciting.

    It's the way ye tell 'em...

  3. Thanks girls. That brought forth a delighted chuckle from myself.

  4. Part of the downside of a life without angst is the lack of material. Damn our contented lives. ;)
