Saturday, August 22, 2009

pig in ecstasy


  1. The video of "Bert the Pig Whisperer" is sure to be a hit.

  2. A talented man you got there Nelly!

  3. Beautiful.

    Bert is truly a beastmaster. I spotted those magic hands when you posted the picture of them holding the wee duckling a long time ago.

    The pig is obviously enamored. It will be hard to turn her into ham & bacon. Maybe she will make a fine brood sow...

  4. Will Spotty Pig go to the bacon factory with the other two, or have Bert and she formed an unbreakable bond? Only time will tell. Pigs hate being solitary, so if we do keep Spotty Pig I may realise my dream of the Pet Pig. And that wil be a Kune Kune.

  5. That is adorable!

  6. I noticed the other piggies trying to hog some attention.

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.

    They are mighty fine wee piggiwigs. I will be interested to find out if spotty pig winds up on the table or as a pet pig.

  7. I thought the other two piggies were saying, "WTF?"

  8. Spotty Pig belongs to Bert's friend Clint. I am keen that she does npt end up in the freezer. Please see my next post, six weeks ago. - When Townies Met Piggies.
