Thursday, August 13, 2009

You Should Have Seen It

Bert tells me that he can get the spotty pig to collapse in an ecstatic stupor just by rubbing its belly. That sounds like a good opportunity for a comical mini-vid thinks I to myself. We go out to see the pigs. Maybe our timing isn't the best for they are due their evening meal in half an hour or so. When piggies see Bert coming out they get excited. I start filming... or so I think. Pigs are in no mood to be having their bellies stroked, they want them filled! They are very rough with Bert. The spotty one nibbles him, our one bites him. Bert tries to rub tummies but they are having none of it. They give him a hard time. At one point Spotty sticks her head between Bert's legs and almost knocks him off his feet. The look on his face - you should have seen it! I'm delighted. I switch off the camera... or so I think, and I make enthusiastic noises to Bert.

He goes off to feed them and I go off to upload my mini-movie. Well blastnations! I discover that I actually switched the camera off when the fun began and switched it on when it was over so my film only consisted of a brief, blurred shot of Bert climbing out of the pig run while I'm heard saying, "That was great! Wait 'til everybody sees this! They're going to love it!"

And you would have loved it. Duh!


  1. I so must call out and visit you before I leave. It sounds like the entertainment is non-stop... and if I could get treated to a live performance of Pig Tickling, that would just make my day! :)

  2. Please give the pig tickling photography another try - after they have eaten. I'm the same way myself - never try to tickle my belly unless you have fed me well. ;-)

  3. I can't count the number of times that has happened to me. I've learned to immediately replay what I had hoped to video.

  4. Ain't it always the way?

  5. I am a professional videographer screw up, I always do thing they would invent a voice that says you are now recording.

  6. I've now got the vid (not as good as the one I didn't record) but cannot get it to upload. Don't know why.
