Sunday, September 06, 2009

Air Show From Afar

I was Pearlie-sitting yesterday and didn't make the Portrush air show but whilst, Cinderella-like, I was hanging out a lineful of Pearlie's grannypants, I heard the sound of old-style propellers, looked up and saw this fellow fly right over my head. It was flying low so I got a right good look.

Then, this afternoon, while Bonnie and I were braving the drizzle on the riverside walk we heard and saw the Red Arrows flying home. That put a huge smile on my face. I do like seeing sky machines. And have liked it ever since those far-off days when I would skip school to hang around Aldergrove Airport. Such days!


  1. You should come round our way, go and see an airshow at Duxford. There was one today, too. Spitfires, Hurricanes, DC-10, Eurofighter, Catalinas, and more. Awesome. Plus, it is a nice day out wandering around the museum. Do come!

  2. I will take you up on that if you can assure me that you were sober when you wrote it!

  3. I wrote it after one too many kicks to the head, but the offer is totally kosher and open-ended. :)

  4. I thought I heard plenty of noise in the sky today. Didn't get outside in time.

  5. OMG, Nelly. I skipped to hang at a tiny airport near our town, too. I even dated a flyboy when I was 16ish (eons ago). He never got a private license but I got to fly with a couple of his friends on occasion - once in a Piper Cub and once in an old Fairchild PT 51. Love airplanes.

  6. I envy you Anna - I'd love to go up in a little plane. I'd be scared but it would be wonderful.
