Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Best News In The World

Today was always going to be a busy day. We'd planned to go visit, with a view to procuring, kunekune pigs. Later we'd be going to the Wee Manny's for a surprise birthday party.

What I didn't expect was hearing from Dave that Zoe has been safely delivered of a daughter, our first grandchild. She was a week earlier than expected - the impatient little thing!

So now I must go and wash the smell of pig from my person and get myself ready to visit Zoe, Dave and daughter.


  1. Yay! Congratulations Granny Nelly. Pass on my cograts to Zoe! xx

  2. Congratulations to Zoe, Dave and their expanding family. And to Granny Nelly, obviously...

  3. Congratulations!

  4. Trudie2:33 pm

    Congratulations Granny Mary!!

  5. I've just come back from visiting and all is well. The baby is gorgeous. Thanks for all your good wishes.

  6. therese7:59 pm


  7. Congrats and don't forget to update your About Me section...
    Daughters - 3, Parents -1, Sisters - 4, Brothers - 2, Husband - 1, Mother-in-law - 1, Dogs - 2, Cats - 2, Chickens - 10, Calves - 2, Pigs - 3
    I await to see if your grandchild is listed in your About Me section before or after Husband :-)

  8. Sorted David. The baby has been given her rightful position and I've finally got round to admitting that chicken no. 10 died months ago!

  9. Congratulations and best wishes.

  10. Anonymous4:03 am

    How lovely! I know you'll be a glorious pair of grans, Nelly & Bert. Health & happiness to you all.

  11. That really is brilliant - I'm so happy for you all. You are now a grandparent, Hannah is an Auntie! Heehee!

    Looking forward to meeting the little one at Chrismas time.


  12. Anonymous12:23 pm

    Congrats Mary, thats ace news convey my best wishes to zoe and dave. Littluns are the best. Waheeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    JTF xxx

  13. Congratulations, and welcome to the grandparent club. They are even more fun when they are old enough for you buy them really noisy toys!

  14. Michele7:56 pm

    Great News! enjoy!

  15. Health, wealth and happiness always to the Young Lady, and congratulations to all concerned (especially Granny!)!

  16. Now the fun really begins. You can collect rocks & feathers, make mudd pies, paint and blow bubbles, and no one will think less of you.
    Cuddling a baby is wonderful, but stock up on diapers.

  17. Many, many congratulations to all concerned

  18. Thanks for all these lovely comments. Is there anything nicer than babies? I don't think so - not this week anyway!

  19. Elly told me this news in Hospital. I was so delighted I almost danced without my crutches!

    Enjoy every moment, sorry it has taken me so long to comment!

  20. Don't be dancing without your crutches just yet! It's agood time for us. I'm seeing her this evening. Can't wait!

  21. Anonymous10:26 am

    Wow! Many congratulations to them both, and their new arrival. Bet you're already a great granny!

    Mikey x

  22. I've only taken ONE photograph so I expect I will have to improve my granny skills a lot.
