Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Saturday in Edinburgh

While we were in Edinburgh we couldn't have wished for a better tour guide than our adopted fourth daughter, Miss Mels. When we weren't out people-watching, fudge-eating, ghost-touring, gig-going, tartan-shopping and gourmandising we chilled in her flat for a time.

Mel lives in a very lovely part of the city. It is jam-packed full of interesting specialist shops selling things like paraffin lamps, old-time gramophones and delectable smelly cheeses. The charity shops were to die for. I spent a very enjoyable afternoon shopping for second hand books while Bert was falling in love with an Irish barmaid in one of the local pubs. Afterwards we went back to Mel's for coffee and a listen to her old gramophone records.


  1. therese2:02 am

    i love edinburgh. we stayed there for several days when my family spent the summer of 1983 traveling ireland and the UK. saw the queen coming out of the RBS. bought our tartans ("ewing") there. lots of castles. i was 12, my younger siblings 11, 10 and 8. we thought everything was haunted. wish i could remember the name of the old inn we stayed in, in the royal mile. i'll have to locate my diary from that trip.

  2. sounds like bliss. Mark & I went once for a couple fo days and must make a return visit. :)

  3. Sounds like a wonderful holiday. Mmmm - smelly cheese and old books, two of my favorites. Did you score any finds in the book department?

  4. I cannot wait to return. Everybody seems to love Edinburgh, don't they?

    Books - I bought a copy of Emma which I'm currently listening to. I like having the hard copy to refer to and I cannot put my hand on my original copy. Since Pearlie started living in the library I've mislaid a lot of books.
