Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Playing the Game

This internet is a rare and wonderful place. There was I, playing Lexulous and Wordscraper like a demon and I had NO IDEA, no idea at all what a vicious arena it had become. Occasionally people would get rather sniffy if I played a word that they found unfamiliar. These words would usually be botanical or horticultural. I'd generally ignore their sniffiness and carry on.

Obviously when choosing games I'd avoid (like the plague) male players looking for sexy/pervy chat. Funnily enough these sort of players tend to have low stats. I expect it must be hard to concentrate on wordplay when the blood supply has deserted the brain and headed for the groin area. Once, in a daring mood, I accepted a game from a punter who declared that he'd only play females who told him their bust measurements. I messaged 'probably bigger than your head Sunny Jim' and he deleted the game immediately. Pussy-wuss!

Recently I noticed a few players were warning others about a certain Canadian chappie. I investigated further and found that he is a hot topic in the forums. Groups have been formed to denounce him and he likes to take an active part in these very same forums. The level of abuse they measure out to one another is alarming. These people taketheir word games very seriously indeed.

Enough of word games. I'm off to bed now with Flann O'Brien. Don't tell!


  1. Oh, you made me smile! I guess women like us are just too much for some of these guys! ;) Thanks for sharing! Gotta go, a game is waiting for me!


  2. Anonymous1:49 am

    Bloody Emmet! I've already told him!!!

  3. It's morning now. Flann O'Brien kept me up until ten past one!

  4. Pussy wuss indeed!
    Funny how people get so agitated about these things. I wouldn't think word games shold be a source of stress!

    Hope you're all well. It has trned to winter here - bbrrrrrrr. You guys definitely got the last weekend of good weather!

    Might be back last weekend in November - will keep you posted!


  5. Hee hee! I'm guessing anonymous was Mrs. E.B!!!! You better sort that brother of yours. He's such a pest!
