Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Think Bike

Most evenings, on the way home from work, I collect Hannah in Ballymena and we continue on our way towards Cullybackey. I don't drive that fast, it's a B road, pitch black so maybe I do 45mph tops. This evening we came across a cyclist riding without lights, without reflective clothing, the only thing drawing attention to his presence the tiny little reflective strips on his pedals. These caught my eye but not until I was almost upon him. I was able avoid him by pulling out at the last minute and, thankfully, no vehicle was coming towards me at the time.

I was quite shocked. Another moment and I might have knocked him down. It's a fairly narrow road. All the way into Cullybackey I wondered, should I turn, should I tell him that he was in danger? I didn't. What stopped me? Fear of being seen as interfering, fear that he might not speak English and wouldn't understand me, fear that I'd have to go the whole hog and drive him and his bicycle to his destination.

So if a cyclist is injured or killed on the Cullybackey or Kilrea road tonight I'm afraid I will be partly to blame. What should I have done?


  1. Yell out the window and ask if he had a death wish!

  2. This may be a bit flip, but I gotta do it. My latest encounter with a bike: http://ronnisrants.blogspot.com/2009/11/note-to-self.html

  3. Politely point out that you almost hit him because you couldn't see him until the last minute.
    Point out it is illegal to ride in the dark without lights.
    Definitley don't give a cyclist a lift - they're all axe murderers.

  4. Could you have just yelled at him that he was putting himself & you in danger by riding without lights?
    have to agree with Craig about giving him a lift!

  5. I did not see him tonight. Perhaps he is dead already - or in jail. Probably for the best really....

  6. Turned on your windscreen wipers and hoped the spokes didn't puncture your radiator?

    I used to cycle everywhere and wore everything short of christmas lights to advertise my presence, I think it's only when you drive that you appreciate just how useless ordinary cycle lights are...
