Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Christmas Diary

Christmas Day: White Christmas! Snow everywhere! Wonderful! Got lots of nice presents, drank lots of champagne. Lots of old people here. And Hannah. Watched Annie and Happy Feet until Pearlie sat in front of TV then just listened. Full of Christmas Spirit and did not mind. Boxing Day: Snow everywhere! Nice! Oven broke! Dinner disaster! Bert drunk! Had major huff. Got no dinner as gannet guests ate it all while I am outside in polytunnel sulking. Good bit - Martha Amy here for the evening. 27th December: Snow everywhere! Boring and disgusting! Stayed in house All Day. Ate nothing but turkey sandwiches and chocolate. Feel strange. Wonder why? 28th December: Snow still here! Hate it! Had lovely day with Zoe and baby Martha. Went shopping. Zoe shopped and I pushed pram. Junction One snow-free zone. Discovered joy of attacking queue-jumpers using pram as weapon. Had Ulster Fry! No turkey! Spent evening with Hannah and Mel. Made enormous dinner. Ate lots despite not being hungry. Feel odd. Wonder why? 29th December: Frozen slush everywhere! Am going to drive on it and don't care! Had day oot with Mel. Went to Lindsay's outside Coleraine and bought merino tops for Hannah and Snickers work trousers for Bert. Ate enormous lunch in Ballycastle and visited Dark Hedges. Hannah loved merino tops and Bert loved Snickers work trousers. Keeps discovering new pockets and says knee pads so good he could walk to Cully on his knees. Does going on knees count as walking? Despite Bert wearing work trousers all evening has only hung one picture. Tomorrow another day. Ate enormous pile of turkey sandwiches. Feel peculiar. Wonder why?

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny by half. What a week. Thank you for a marvelous year of blogging. I have told them that your blog got me started. (I didn't give them your info so your safe, I think). xo
