Monday, January 18, 2010

An Irishwoman In New York

We left Hannah Banana to the airport on Saturday morning and, much to my astonishment, they actually let her on the flight. Then, even more surprisingly, the U.S. authorities appear to have let her off it. And, apparently, she is now in New York. Imagine! I won’t actually believe it until I see photographic evidence.


  1. therese12:59 am

    tell her to come to my part of brooklyn - williamsburg!

  2. I think Hannah would love Williamsburg - I'd love it too. One of my favourite books ever was A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I reread it very recently and I believe it was set in Williamsburg.

  3. My hostel was actually in Brooklyn. More the industrial end though. It was grand though. I didn´t have much time to explore and was trying to be cost effective but I did stumble upon a great wee Irish bar (Dillon´s) and played pool and drank Jameson´s with some real-life New Yorkers!!

    If I go back though I´m staying the hell away from JFK airport!

  4. therese5:31 pm

    how long is she here? i'll send you my digits on facebook if she's interested in meeting. a tree grows in brooklyn is set in williamsburg. henry miller's childhood home is not far from where i live. this is the hot spot, no doubt she'd like it, something for everyone.

  5. therese5:32 pm

    oh wait, there you are! hi hannah! oh well, maybe next time. JFk sucks, but you have no choice unless you maybe go to newark - don't do that.

  6. Shame, I did't know you were there, it would have been nice to have someone to meet. I'll give JFK one more chance maybe. Also, it was more the airline Mexicana's fault but they apologised and I'm not one to hold a grudge.

  7. therese3:52 am

    anytime your family visits here let me know. my family in ireland has hosted more than a couple of my american friends there, we do the same here. i've been to ireland 11 times, all through JFK. it sucks but it's the only way, really.


  8. We shall bear that in mind. Very lovely and generous offer.
