Tuesday, January 05, 2010


I am consumed with anxiety. And I cannot say why. The reason is that it is not just friends who read this blog. I fear there are enemies who look at it too. That being so I cannot tell my friends what worries me for fear my enemies make capital from it.

Paranoid? Moi? Oui.

So if you read my blog and you do not care for Nellybert shall I offer you my New Year Wishes?

Go and fuck yourself. Because you're a pseudo-christian, jealous bastard.

Friends - ignore this rant. It is specifically directed at a lurker.


  1. I'm ignoring the rant, because I hope I'm your friend.

  2. I would trust you to the ends of the earth GM!

  3. I also would hope to be counted on in fair weather or foul to have your back.

  4. I was considering deleting this post but now y'all being so sweet I won't.

    Maybe I'm wrong about feeling they'e 'out to get me' but sometimes when things go a bit wrong I feel I shouldn't open up on the blog.

  5. Better leave a comment here so that I definitely can't be called a lurker! But I'm pretty sure I'm still your friend even though I ran away to the other side of the world. :) Hope you're OK... hugs.

  6. Given you don't know me from a lump of soggy bread, I want to be known as an irregular commenter.

    And my parents "were" married when I was born - not the full 9+ months after the wedding day, I admit, but married all the same.

    What I'm trying to say is that I'd far rather be considered on the Friends side of the ledger please.

  7. No lurkers here! All friends. Ignore me - I'm an eedjit.

  8. I'll join in with outing myself as a not-lurker. Just someone who hasn't been commenting in a while.

    I blame Google Reader, myself.

  9. Google Reader is indeed a toucher.

    Have been seeing a lot of shots of the back of your head in the national media recently.

  10. Anonymous5:06 pm

    I have posted infrequently -always 'anonymous'. I have no blog of my own but if I did, I'd want it to be as well done as Nelly's Garden. I'm Anne in California -a great-grandmother and I hope, a friend.

  11. Hi Anne good to hear from you and thanks for the compliment. But it's not internet chums like you who worry me - There are many blogs I read that I rarely comment on. I sort of regretted posting this but I have heard from so many lovely people.

  12. I see comments somedays that make me wonder about the state of humanity. Then I come someplace like your garden to see what is best about we mortals. Living, loving, grumpy(sometimes), funny(often) and growing(always).
    Lovely people will always respond to you. And as my granny would've said about the rest of 'em: "Bad cess to their crooked feet"!

  13. Your granny's saying made me laugh. Thanks again.

  14. I Always read your blog, always love you and your family. It is good to find some normalcy in the blogosphere.

    Right on! and write on. Nelly rocks.

  15. Thank you Anna. The internet is indeed a crazy place if Nellybert's gaff is normal, but it is!

    Good news on the anxiety front for we got that thorny problem sorted out.

    Now what shall I worry about next?

  16. Worry on and keep committing it to the blog. :-)

  17. I am always puzzled about internet paranoia, having survived a bout of being one of those about whom horrible things were being said. However, aside from my drivers' license information being posted on Usenet, nothing was actually done that could affect me in real life. As long as I'm not running for political office, who cares what I say?

  18. You are a toughie Ronni. I don't think I could have borne what you went through in the flame-wars.

  19. Anonymous11:04 pm

    Michele here.

    Oh my - I am always late for tea.
    I check in on you and yours Nelly when I need to be reminded of the best of the animal kingdom. Your blog is a delight.

    And much as a kitty cat knows the effectiveness of a good swipe, in my opinion there is no harm warning off those who are not friends.

  20. Nelly, I laughed a lot, got angry some, and shook my head constantly. and I won't say I wasn't prompted to a bit of revenge, now and then...
