Saturday, February 20, 2010

Five Months Later...

When am I getting my dinner?, originally uploaded by ZMB.

Martha's parents decided to chance a trip to the cinema. I had the honour (richly deserved) of being their daughter's first babysitter.

As you can see she survived the experience. The first of many babysitting sessions I hope!


  1. Little Martha is a little treasure. Enjoy every moment.

  2. Awww...she's beautiful! I bet you had a spitload of fun!

    If one of my kids doesn't produce a granddaughter for me, I am not going to be a happy camper. Two daughters, two grandsons. One son...well, he's young, yet...

  3. OMG! What a beauty! Count your blessings. A granddaughter is such a gift. Enjoy those moments. :-)

  4. Thanks for your comments. She is truly gorgeous in every way possible. Whenever I feel a bit down, which thankfully, isn't that often, I think of little Martha and immediately feel better.

  5. How adorable is she? what a precious little girl!

  6. What a cutie, granbabies are the most fun.

  7. Anonymous12:06 am

    She's beautiful perfection!
    I know what you mean about feeling better - I do too when I think of my great-grandaughter.It's a wonderful cheer-maker.

  8. Therese12:22 am

    Absolutely beautiful. I want one.

  9. She's just gorgeous!
