Sunday, February 07, 2010

What Are You Doing?

I'm multi-tasking.

Blogging. Waiting for some home-made biscuits to cool. Listening to R.L. Burnside, drinking red wine and wondering Why T.F. I cannot think of anything to blog about.

In the meantime here is a picture of Mr Pickwick.


  1. Therese10:04 pm

    Love RL, saw him about 10 years ago at Central Park Summerstage. By biscuits, do you mean cookies? Either way, love them, too.

  2. I'd love to see that guy live. Yep! Biscuits are cookies and what Southerners call biscuits we'd call scones. I make wonderful scones and the cookies were delicious. Pecan nuts and chocolate.

  3. Anonymous2:43 am

    You invariably make me wish I could just pop into your kitchen, Nellie. The 'biscuits' do sound a treat!

  4. There is only so much multi-tasking a girl can do! For no topic you did well. Any cookies left?

  5. There were lots this morning but Bert has been alone with them all day....

  6. It's not too bad at the minute but I'm pretty sure in a few months time I will start to crave some home baked treats!!

  7. Therese3:00 am

    my mom taught me all about scones, the irish type are different, no soda in southern biscuits, typically. also the difference between breakfast and tea, can't beat a proper afternoon tea. my grandda also told me "what's a cupcake? they're "faeirie cakes." all good to me.

    the snow is starting to fall in brooklyn!

  8. "The store is starting to fall in Brooklyn.."

    Magical. But will it get lying?

    When I was a little girl I was entranced by the idea of cupcakes. I literally thought that they were baked in teacups. Gave it a go. Got into trouble. Again.
