Monday, March 01, 2010


That was a mixed bag of a weekend that was...

I drank red wine and I drank white wine. I drank good wine and I drank horrid wine. I mixed with the landed gentry on Friday night and the salt of the earth on Saturday night.

I successfully hypnotised Jazzer (salt category) but just like Cinderella all the good effects wore off at midnight and on Sunday my own efforts at self-hypnosis were undone by a giant tube of pink smarties.

I told myself when I bought them that I was for keeping them in my baking cupboard for decorating fairy cakes. Damn you, pink smarties!


Do you know you're getting old when only one of your Facebook friends is called Aaron?


  1. I'm trying to ignore a large bag of "fun-size" Three Musketeers bars...

  2. Better by far to leave these devilish items on the shop shelves.

  3. I dare not bring little Snickers into the house. They will not be ignored - just keep calling my name until I throw them out or just eat them all and get it over with so I can get back to normal. Sure, they are the work of the devil!

  4. They are the only two options - eat em all or throw em out! Shame I always pick the first option.

  5. Good job they were pink ones. You know what they say about blue smarties!

  6. What are smarties? she asked around a mouthful of lemon tart.

  7. Smarties are a little pill sized piece of confectionary similar to M&Ms but much nicer.
