Thursday, April 29, 2010

The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

I taxed the car and sorted the driving licence and organised a copy of the marriage certificate.

Sadly, it seems that this will not come back in time in order to allow me to exercise my voting rights on the 6th May. But as I live in North Antrim what does it matter?

Leitrim Sister is up for a few days. We went out to Matty's tonight and had our tea. Matty in good form. Did not give us disapproving looks when we cracked open a bottle of wine to wash down the quiche and salad. Fair play to the woman.

These are my May Resolutions.

1. I am going to read/listen to À la recherche du temps perdu in an English translation as my French is non existent.

2. I am going to declutter my house.

3. I am going to spend more time with my family.


  1. I guess you are aware of my feelings for dear old Marcel :)

  2. God, I've made those exact resolutions and then absurd sex got in the way of them.

  3. So far I've completed The Way By Swann's and am a reasonable way through the next volume.

    The de-cluttering is going so-so. I completed my filing, which is good.

    I've spent lots of time with my family and that will continue.

    Sex? Que?
