Sunday, May 02, 2010

Bert's Box of Bad-Tempered Bees


  1. Checking out the frames as part of my revision for the preliminary bee-keeping exam. The bees were most disobliging. Bert spent most of this video with a bee crawling up his leg. It eventually made its way to his throat and stung him. The video ends abruptly because neither of us could bear it any longer. The bees chased us up the yard and stung Bert, the two dogs and Holly the cat. The lens of my camera was clarried in bee stings. Later when they had 'quietened down' I went out for a last look and was immediately stung on the face. I wish our bees were nice bees.

  2. I expect they will improve as you and Bert get more experienced in handling them.

  3. Bert has been working with them for a year now. I think they might just be an ill-tempered hive.

  4. Anonymous6:40 pm

    Yikes! Not an endeavor for the faint of heart.
    Have you tried playing music to soothe their nasty souls?
    No wonder I get my honey in a jar!

  5. What secrets have you been telling them?

  6. Just who we were voting for and politics and stuff.

    See the smeary marks on the film. That's bee venom from where they were stinging my camera. At all times there were at least thirty of them on my camera. i may have to get a liquid-proof one for taking pictures of bees.
